Beyond The Finish Line: Capitalizing on the Post-Event Experience

Written by Jaclyn Levi

If your organization isn’t capitalizing on the post-event experience, it’s time to get on that beat. By keeping participants engaged, even after they’ve crossed the finish line, you’ll reap the benefits.

Where Everybody Knows Your Name 

Your local Cheers-inspired bar shouldn’t be the only place where everybody knows a customer’s name - your events should be that place as well. While we know it’s impossible for you to memorize every single name, the post-event experience provides plenty of opportunities for you to provide your participants with highly personal interactions that make each one feel like they’re a VIP. And why should personalization matter? Bond Brand Loyalty found “a strong relationship between Personalization and satisfaction; Personalization pays as satisfaction is eight times higher when Programs are highly personalized.” So how do you capitalize on the opportunity? Once the results are in, shoot each finisher an email with their personal results details. Link it to their own results page where they can download a tailored finisher certificate and easily share their results on social media.

Solicit Feedback

Take the time and make the effort to listen to your participants post-event. You may not think this translates to your bottom line, but you’ll see positive returns when you commit to continuing the conversation with customers. Create online opportunities to engage in one-on-one dialogues and give them an opportunity to give you direct feedback. By soliciting and responding to feedback, you’ll show your customers that you’re committed to providing the best experience possible to keep them coming back to every event.

Try The Trend: #Throwbackthursday 

Studies suggests that playing on customers’ nostalgia about the past can lead them to spend more. As the study explains, “nostalgia weakens our desire to hold onto our money, instead fostering social connectedness.” When registration opens, send past participants an email reminding them of the great time they had last year and nudge them to invite friends to create even more memories together.

Capitalize on The Post-Event High 

As a marathoner, I can tell you the runner’s high is real. After any physical event the rush of endorphins gives your participants an extra jolt of joy. Don’t just take my word for it. A study by EventBrite of post-event runner attitudes showed that 46% felt great and ready to sign up for their next event. Even the 39% of respondents who felt the event was painful were ready to sign up again. So how can you capitalize on these sentiments to drive numbers? Think about topping off that post-race party with quick, on-site registration for your upcoming events. A day after the event, blast out an email campaign to all finishers suggesting upcoming events they may like to participate in.

Get Rid of Extra Gear 

Have extra merchandise from the event that didn’t sell? Sell those leftover products at the post-race party and leave online product sales open to finishers so they can commemorate their superb event experience. Even send out an email campaign in the following days to promote available gear, maybe even offering a discount to pump up sales.

Good businesses meet expectations, but the great ones? They go beyond, bringing their customers unexpected and excellent experiences. So exceed expectations by investing in these post-event efforts and creating memorable events that will keep people wanting to participate every time.