Build Your Brand With A Solid Podcast Strategy

Written by Cody Beavers

With the rise of podcasts and other audio experiences, the demand for audio content has been continuously increasing over the last few years. As such, having a podcast strategy is starting to become a key marketing tactic among organizations. 

With these helpful tips, you can begin leveraging audio content to drive engagement across multiple marketing channels.

Sponsor A Podcast

Consider taking the first step into the audio world by sponsoring a podcast. It can be helpful to conduct research to determine which podcasts suit your brand the best. Keep in mind that most podcast advertisements are about 30-60 seconds long so it’s best to make sure that your message will resonate with listeners before reaching out. 

Be A Guest Speaker

Another way to get your brand in front of a new audience is to become a guest speaker on a podcast. By providing your own expertise and insights on another podcast you can start gaining a loyal audience. From there you can branch out and start your own podcast for your new listeners.

Convert Your Blog Content

One way to create audio content is to convert your existing blog posts into audio-friendly snippets. By adding an introduction, quotes, and some sound effects, you can easily turn a normal blog post into a compelling audio story. For inspiration, check out National Public Radio (NPR) and the ESPN podcast since they often use this method for their stories.

There are many ways you can incorporate podcasts into your brand marketing plans. Consider identifying your specific marketing goals first to make sure podcast plans fit into your strategy overall.